Packaging and dispatch of personalised card shipments and keyfob shipments.
From the IDENTA lettershop direct to your customer
We package up your card shipment: personalised and non-personalised cards are attached to a (personalised) letter; the shipment can include an insert. The letter is then folded and put into an envelope, a machine-readable IT franking mark is then applied (automated postage-optimised franking) and sent directly to your addressees. We can do the same with the shipment of RFID keyfobs together with a personalised letter.
In addition to our trained team of employees, you can also make use of our high-performance, computer-controlled lettershop machines.
It’s simple.
Personalise your card however you wish and then have it printed out.
The card will be attached to a personalised letter.
Insertion into envelopes and shipping.
- personalised messages create greater levels of customer loyalty!
- targeted address management thanks to duplicate matching!
- postage-optimised IT franking saves you money!
- at IDENTA – everything from a single source – saves time!